The End Of Terraria?

After launching our newest additions of Skeletron and the Corruption Biome to our officially licensed Terraria collection, we found ourselves ruminating on the possibilities of the end of something great. We've heard it before. There's a running joke that Re-Logic comes out to tell us that Terraria is going be coming to an end. No more updates, no more patches, the whole works. But just like its fans, Re-Logic can't just let this classic go to the wayside. Until now it seems.

Terraria is a diehard favorite not only among its fans, but our customers as well. From our Biomes collection that continues to grow, to our Empress of Light tee and pin, and the ever creepy Eye of Cthulhu, each piece reminds us of why this game holds such a dear place in our hearts.

With the news of the potential of the end, Terraria's Halloween theme has been drawing much attention on social media and within the game itself. With a thriving sub-Reddit and Twitter following, it's been amazing to see the creativity of Terraria's fans who are eager to keep the sandbox alive and well.

We would hate to see Terraria come to a close! But if it must be so, just know the Team Sanshee will still be here to continue to feed hungry fans with awesome tributes to one of our favorite pixel dungeon crawlers. Whether its grinding for hours just to beat that next hardmode boss, or building yet another house because why not? We'll continue to provide plenty of joy to collect!

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