Well, somehow, we’ve all made it! We don’t need to tell you how crazy this year has been for everyone, what with the global pandemic and all, but we thought we’d take a look back at what turned out to be an especially crazy year for us here at Team Sanshee. We won’t lie, we were a little blind-sided as conventions were (understandably) shut down, not least because we miss seeing all of your lovely faces IRL. But the shutdowns gave us an opportunity to give our website a long-overdue makeover, and that was just the beginning of new stuff in 2020.
This year saw some notable additions to the Sanshee Catalog: Our Terraria Collection burst onto the scene in all its pixelated glory with Regal Slimes, Imperial Fairies, and Biomes galore. And while Terraria’s Journey may have ended, our Terraria journey has only just begun!
Not be outdone, 2020 saw us finally showing our true faces, with the debut of our long awaited Persona 5 Collection. Now you, too, can steal some hearts with lovely pins and our Shujin Academy Shirt, with plenty more on the way!

If you’re looking for something a little more relaxed, this year also saw the release of our Coffee Talk Collection. Now is your chance to reward the caffeine-enhanced people in your life with some premium single-origin, slow-roasted merch!
Of course, many of our favorite franchises saw new additions as well, especially in our Collector’s Plush Collection which welcomed fan-favorites like Max from Life is Strange, Sebastian from Stardew Valley, and Tali from Mass Effect, just to name a few. And speaking of fan-favorites, We’d be remiss if we failed to mention the return of some old friends. That’s right, in case you missed it, Five Nights at Freddy’s is back at Sanshee, and we’re delighted to bring back some of our most beloved plush, with plenty more in store for the future!
Of even greater note, Sanshee itself grew a little more this year, welcoming Jessica and Erin to the family and bringing Team Sanshee from a quaint three-person team, to a moderately more robust five-person team! Both Erin and Jessica will be introducing themselves to you all in a little more detail sometime soon, but they’ve been a big part of our success this year, so we wanted to make sure to give them a shout-out here!
Finally, we wanted to take a moment and send a very (very) heartfelt thank you to all of you. This year proved to be a very unique challenge for us, and it cannot be understated how vital our incredible community has been in not only keeping us afloat, but allowing us to grow. We know a lot of people have been hit hard this year, and that so many of you choose to support us is something we will never take for granted. We can’t wait for you to see what 2021 has in store, with plenty of great new additions to your nerd collections, website improvements, and much, much more.
Here’s wishing you all a very happy, healthy New Year, and we’ll see you all in 2021!